Parental Alienation


Has your child become withdrawn or expressed an unwillingness to spend time with you? Has your once-solid relationship with your children started to change? Parental Alienation Syndrome could be to blame. Contact an attorney at the Heisler Law Group to get information and perspective on this situation. You may be able to take legal action to help ensure that this does not continue to occur.

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a recognized disorder brought about by a parent’s attempts to alienate the other parent from their child or children. This is often done after a divorce action is filed in an attempt to retain sole custody or limit the parenting time of the other parent.

Whether in the case of sole custody or joint custody, a parent sometimes will use their position of trust and the power of their relationship with their child in order to brainwash or program the child into believing that the other parent does not love them, that the divorce was their fault or otherwise convince the child that he or she does not want to see the other parent.  Some parents have even attempted to even make a child believe they have been abused in the hopes they will report the made-up abuse. The Heisler Law Group has dealt with these types of cases and successfully with experts that have examined the children and testified in court on behalf of a client

Extreme PAS can result in criminal issues for the parent that has been alienated too, thus our firm is uniquely qualified to address both the family law and criminal law issues with a national award-winning staff member in both areas of law.